So i think a lot of you guys might have already noticed that this website is dead, the last time i posted was back in 2015, and i don't think that i'm going to post more, this site will remain for people who might be still interested in the things that are still here, although everything here is related to piracy and stealing stuff, I from the beginning didn't encourage that and it was for testing purposes only.
But then I decided to stop posting this things and basically steal stuff from people who created these things, i'm an Indie Game Dev myself and i now know how bad this is, stuff you see there are really some good products that thousands of hours got into making it, and i really know the pain and struggle to finish a game, and it's not nice after all that, someone comes and basically steal your hard work and publish it for free, i hope you guys understand this, i'll be launching a new blog soon about my indie game making adventure, sharing dev blogs, latest news about gaming in general, and the games that i publish and many more, so if you're interested, stay tuned for that, i will maybe post about it somewhere here.
Thanks so much for your time reading this and i hope you guys are having some really good times, until than, see you all.